Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mental Strength

I'm feeling a little crazy today.  I had my weigh in this morning, and for whatever reason, I'm starting to freak out.

Its not enough, it not fast enough, its not big enough, I'm never going to do it, I'm going to be fat forever, I might as well give up, I hate my life, I hate me, Why do I do this. This sucks, I suck, life isn't fair.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   Deep breath. 

I can do this, I am doing this. Life isn't fair. I can work harder!   There.  much better!!  Let the day continue without spastic eating out of control.  You don't need to do that.  Feeling anxious is a part of life, and not stuffing yourself with candy is a normal thing.  You can change. 

Time for some water and a set of stairs to make me feel normal again.


  1. I completely understand. I have been looking at other blogs and they are losing weight a lot faster than me and I get very discouraged and it makes me want to give up! But we are doing this!!

    You are doing this!! You are in control. Do not let your anxiety tell you that you are not in control! You are amazing! You are going to do this your way.

    Nobody gains weight the same way and nobody loses it the same way! You are going at your speed! I have never gained 10 lbs in a month and a half but the fact that I can lose 10 lbs in a month and a half is amazing!!!


  2. I too understand the feeling that it's not coming fast enough, even though it is coming off fairly fast. I just have to remind myself that it takes times and all these small losses each week are going to add up to a big loss in the end as long as I keep it up. Hang in there! You are doing this!

  3. Thanks ladies! I did a run up the stairs at the office and took a few deep breaths. Yes, this can be done!
