Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to Normal

Finally!    I'm feeling human again.  The Husbeast said that I was asleep with the click of the light last night. I'll take his word for it, because I certainly don't remember!!!  :)

This morning I felt great; I've been walking normally all day and negotiated the stairs with no pain.  So Happy.  So Very Happy.  Saturday I have a day of exercise with a friend planned out, some of it might be too much for me, but I'll warm up and see what I have to give.

Saturday we have a birthday dinner out for sushi.  I'm excited, I've not had sushi in a long time, and a day of working will make that all the better!

Lunch today was pure yum!  I dont know what it is, but there is something about a PB&J sammich with a glass of milk that is just soooooo happy!

Food was great today. Calories are on track.  

Better Oats Chai spice package - 170
1/2 raw oats - 150
coffee - 30
4slices Natures own double fiber bread - 200
2T natual peanut butter - 190
1T whole fruit jam - 60
1c 2% milk - 130
better oats oatmeal - plum spice - 170
5 small corn tortillas -  225
5oz Ground Turkey, onion, blackbean soup mix - 255
1/2c pico de gallo - 20
5 raw almonds - 35

Total claories: 1,635

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