Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Old Habits

I'm suffering. My hip is still not right...and now my neck is all seized up from walking/sitting and sleeping in funny positions.  I'm an unhappy camper.

Same sad story, different day.  My chiro appointment is tomorrow and I'm very happy about that. I'm going to need a few more appointments this week to try and get right.

I have to keep reminding myself......I'm not as young as I was, my body is going to fight against changes, its going to fight against activity, and old injuries are going to keep coming up.

AND....That is why I HAVE to keep changing. Carrying all this weight is what is giving me all the pain that I am suffering right now.   Its not the running, its not the kettle bell... its the fat.  This fat is agony.

The fat is how I got to here... I got tempted (it's easy, I'm tired, I'm sore...) and went out for lunch.  Fish tacos. I did not do the math beforehand.  I did not do the math on purpose or I wouldn't have gone... and so we have this.

egg cheese biscuit - 350
coffee - 30
2oz corn chips - 277
2oz salsa - 15
grilled fish tacos - 969
diet coke - 0
1/2 roasted chicken - 480
4T Franks red hot wing sauce - 0
3/4 c brussle sprouts - 42

total calories: 2,163

And that is why I got to over 300lbs.  I used to eat out like that EVERY lunch.   Lesson... I would be much happier right now if I had gone to Which Wich, or come home and eaten grilled cheese.

Old habits die hard... and Tammy... DO NOT FORGET that a small measure of success does not give liberty to return to old habits.

1 comment:

  1. Its really hard to break old habits. I completely understand but remember we have a learning curve. One bad day does not break a whole months worth of work!

    You got this! You will succeed!!
